Award-winning after school program in Asheville, N.C.

Freeze Tag, You're It!
4:00-5:00, grade range: K-3
If you don't want winter stopping your child from running around outside, sign them up for this! Just like with the Tuesday biking club, there's no such thing as too cold, just not enough layers*. Each week that the weather allows, we'll continue with our favorite tag games club with Mr. Eli and other EverAfter staff. We may postpone a week here or there if the weather is truly untenable, but short of that, bundle up!
(*Yes, we will make sure your child has enough layers.)
Instructor: EverAfter Staff

4:00-5:00, grade range: 1-5
When you join the chess club, you will learn how the pieces move, special moves like check, checkmate, and castling, strategies for how to begin a game, how to win a game, and how to have fun doing all of this! Chess will help you to learn how to think better, and just may make you smarter! You will get to play chess with the other club members, and study real life games and work on chess puzzles. You can even play in tournaments!
Instructor: Bruce Roth, Asheville area chess master

Wolfpup Basketball Training Club
4:00-5:00, grade range: 3-5
Want to take your basketball skills to the next level? These one hour sessions will be played in a half-court setting, 6 minutes on/6 minutes off, to maximize play time for all participants. The primary objective will be basketball team readiness, whether for Evergreen's Wolfpack Sports program or your preferred local youth league.
Instructors: Jo Giordano, Evergreen Adventure PE Teacher, and Kevin Thompson, Evergreen 3rd Grade Associate

Open Art Studio
4:00-5:00, grade range: 6-8
We will be exploring the craft of Altered Books as a starting point for creative expression. We’ll learn different artistic techniques in creating altered books, and have plenty of time to experiment with the students’ own ideas for personal artwork in an altered book/journal. The book can be a personal journal, an art project or a resource for experimental techniques. Mary Ann will be joining us periodically as Artist in Residence. Bring your best ideas and all your creativity. Books for altering will be supplied, though students are welcome to bring their own. Bring your personal ephemera (items of collectible memorabilia, typically written or printed ones, that were originally expected to have only short-term usefulness or popularity), ideas, creativity and self-expression.
Instructor: Kay Cole, Evergreen EC Associate

4:00-5:00, grade range: 5-8
This club has a cost of $195
In this program we’ll explore the concept of balance through slacklining! Slacklining is something that everyone can learn to do – you don’t need to be a high performing athlete or a crazy circus person to learn how to balance. If you can walk you can balance, and if you can balance you can slackline. Each student will receive their own Slackline Skill Progression Guide at the start of class, and will be able to set their own goals for learning 25+ tricks with guidance & instruction from professional slackline instructors. Along with those slackline skills, we’ll also learn techniques for quieting the mind, cultivating one-pointed focus, and bringing balance into other aspects of your life.
Program Benefits:
Learn new skills, make new friends, and have fun while doing it!
Improve your balance - physically, mentally, & emotionally
Enhance your focus, concentration, & body awareness
Build confidence & learn goal-setting strategies
Great cross training for student athletes
Instructor: Jesse Goldman, Slacklibrium, https://slacklibrium.com/