Award-winning after school program in Asheville, N.C.
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Become part of something bigger than yourself. Learn the spirit of collaboration and competition with oneself. Join the Wolfpack.

Wolfpack Sports
We no longer use this page for season-specific information, but rather just for general information purposes. We communicate seasonally and send sign-up links by email directly to parents of Evergreen middle school students
While Evergreen lacks a traditional interscholastic sports program, EverAfter's Wolfpack Sports serves to fill in that gap. Unlike other features of the EverAfter program, Wolfpack Sports, at this time, is open only to current Evergreen students. The minimum age for most activities is 6th grade. We cooperatively compete with other nearby schools in five sports: Flag Football, Volleyball, Ultimate Frisbee, Basketball and Soccer. Football, Basketball, and Soccer are typically Tuesday/Thursday activities, while Volleyball and Ultimate depend on coaches' availability. The disruptions of the pandemic have also impacted Wolfpack Sports, such that we are not yet back to operating the program the way it was pre-COVID.
As part of the EverAfter program, there are participation fees for Wolfpack Sports. The fees charged help cover the cost of paying coaches and referees as well as equipment and uniforms. For those unable to pay the full amount, please be aware that Evergreen does offer financial assistance to qualifying families. Financial Assistance applications are available in the Parent Portal on Evergreen's main website. Please also be aware that if your child regularly attends EverAfter, paying the sports fee takes the place of paying daily fees on sports days. Ergo, playing 2-day Wolfpack Sports costs the same, if not less, than regular after-school care.
Daily activity times fall between school dismissal and 6 p.m. At times, our teams may split in to "Varsity" and "JV," which can lead to later end times, especially during basketball season.
During the school year, information on Wolfpack Sports seasons and signups will be communicated directly to Evergreen students and parents. As such, monitoring email communications from Evergreen is a must if you would like your child to participate in Wolfpack Sports.