Award-winning after school program in Asheville, N.C.
EverAfter Enrollment
EverAfter Program Registration Form
For 2024-2025, we have moved to a new system, MySchoolBucks, for registration forms and payments. The registration cost will be $45/one child or $75/multiple children. Please create your account there and then await word that registration is active.
Clubs Signup
Once we get our clubs program running again, enrollment will also be through SchoolBucks.
Lottery for new students
For families that wish to join EverAfter from any of the schools we offer transportation (Oakley, Bell, and Haw Creek Elementaries), please use this application. We will run a lottery from these applications in late April. The last day to apply is April 21st.
Pricing for 24-25
The graphic below is from 23-24, but is mostly accurate.

Paying for EverAfter:
Evergreen is using a new program called MySchoolBucks. You will need to create your account and link your students (who are already in it) before you can register or pay for EverAfter.
Other forms for students that join EverAfter from other schools