Award-winning after school program in Asheville, N.C.
Frequently Asked Questions
Please note: we haven't edited this page in a while. For questions, email program director James Wilson, james.wilson@evergreenccs.org
Who are you?
Providing holistic care and enrichment, EverAfter is an extension of Evergreen Community Charter School, sharing the same principles and values. Our program mission is to provide a safe and engaging environment for students to grow individually and within our community.
What we offer:
Daily, drop-in child care from 2:45 until 6:00 PM (1:35-6:00 on Mondays) on all ECCS regular school days
Child care on all ECCS noon dismissal and most non-school weekdays.
Three sessions of EverAfter Clubs each school year.
Adventure Team clubs such as climbing, high ropes, mountain biking, survival skills, etc.
Interscholastic sports with other local, alternative-education schools (open to ECCS students only)
A highly-qualified, caring staff of instructors, practicing the values of Positive Discipline.
Click here for the Evergreen Community Handbook. While this document pertains to Evergreen as a school, the EverAfter program is aligned with all of the values and goals therein.
If my children don't go to Evergreen, how do I get them there?
We currently have transportation on school days for students from Haw Creek, Bell, Oakley, Elementary schools.
Students attending Haw Creek Elementary are met by EverAfter staff at the bus stop on Bell Road at Charlie Bullman Park. For students from other schools, you may inquire about being added to EverAfter's pickup route.
*Please note, normal EverAfter operations do not start early enough to cover most early dismissals or non-school days at other schools. Please see the Extended Day Care section on the Dair Care page for more information.
How do I pick up from EverAfter?
Park and come inside the gym, and bring your pickup placard with you. While EverAfter uses all of Evergreen's campus, our program is based in the gym, and there is a table set up each day where the attendance manager is stationed. You will sign out and give your name to the attendance manager, who will connect you with your child(ren). DO NOT GO LOOKING FOR YOUR CHILDREN FIRST!
Where do I park?
It depends on what you're here for.
For regular pick up, park nearest the gym.
For dropping off or picking up during Evergreen's dismissal window (1:15-2:00 on Mondays, 2:30-3:30 Tuesday-Friday), park in the first available spot you come to, as the traffic line tends to back up. Take note to park somewhere you won't get blocked in. Parking at Bullman Park, on Bell Rd. just before the Evergreen driveway on the left, and walking up to campus is an option.
I'm running late, what do I do?
Call us! Our direct line is 828-484-4989. We're generally forgiving (such as not starting the $1/minute clock until 6:10) with the late fee for people that are late once or twice in a school year and that also call and let us know. If we don't answer the phone we will get the message right away.
What if my child has special needs or medical conditions?
Our staff is equipped to handle most things that a regular classroom can. That being said, an afternoon in EverAfter isn't structured like a classroom. Other than clubs, EverAfter time tends to be a lot less structured than a school day. To get a sense of the community that EverAfter is part of, all parents are encouraged to read through Evergreen's Community Handbook. Parents are advised to take all of this into account when scheduling their child's afternoon with EverAfter.
Students that have allergies or other conditions that necessitate emergency medicine being kept at EverAfter, such as Benadryl or epinephrine, must provide the medication, label it with the name and grade of the child, and bring it accompanied by all of the same paperwork that is deemed necessary for their classroom or school. This should include an action plan filled out a physician.
EverAfter CANNOT take any medication for any student, or allow any student to carry their own medication, without appropriate paperwork filled out by both parent and physician. "Medicine" refers to all prescription, OTC, homeopathic, synthetic, or natural product, including sunscreen, bug spray, cough drops; basically, if it's not ice, alcohol, or a bandaid, it's "medicine" and we have to follow school protocol!
What is your discipline policy?
EverAfter's discipline starts with the Evergreen Community Handbook. We believe in, and practice, the guidelines set forth by the Positive Discipline and Love & Logic philosophies. For us, discipline happens before, or instead of, unwanted behaviors. The first step is always recognizing positive behaviors. When we are able, we recognize kids with an "awesome note" an send it home! When unwanted behaviors do occur, they are treated first and foremost as learning opportunities. Behaviors are categorized by level, and consequences, when appropriate, are tailored to those levels. Lower-level behaviors (difficulty following basic rules and directions mostly) are handled within the age group by its instructors, with notes sent home at the instructor's discretion. Repeated lower-level behaviors may lead to a child being removed from their age group for a time and documented with a choice contract (Kindergarten-3rd grade) or infraction form (4th grade and up). Choice contracts and infractions are designed to both be reflective for the child, and serve as documentation for parents and EverAfter staff. Higher level behaviors (violence, disrespect, extreme unsafe actions, etc.), or continued repeated lower level behaviors, will be referred to the Program Director. Consequences may include time away the age group for one or more days, either within the program or with a suspension.
What kind of people do you hire?
For starters, we hire people that believe in everything explained in the above question! As a school, we are also required to background-screen all persons upon the acceptance of an offer of employment. We use this agency: https://bib.com/
Additionally, Evergreen is an equal employment opportunity employer. We maintain a policy of non- discrimination against employees or job applicants on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin, handicap, veteran status, disability, or any other status or condition protected by applicable state laws, except where a bona fide occupational qualification applies. We ensure that all personnel programs such as compensation, benefits, transfers, school-sponsored training and educational programs, tuition assistance, and social and recreational programs are administered without regard for race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin, handicap, veteran status, sexual orientation or identity, political affiliation or any other status or condition protected by applicable state law.
Evergreen recognizes the social and educational value of a diverse leadership, staff, and student community. To that end, we actively seek and encourage employee applications from qualified individuals representing diverse social, ethnic, and racial groups.
What is your snack and food allergy policy?
This school year we are serving a daily snack option. Sometimes it's individually-packaged portions, supplied through the Evergreen Nutrition Program, and other days it's whatever else looked good at Aldi! Basically, it's a rotation of pretzels, popcorn, Sun chips, and Teddy Grahams, graham crackers, and the occasional handful of Cheez-its or chip. Occasionally we mix in something else. Everything we serve is nut-free (i.e., we stay away from "contains," "may contain," and "may contain traces of," but we allow "processed in a facility.") If the need arises in a particular age group to limit certain foods due to allergy reasons, that will be communicated as needed. With allergies and family dietary preferences in mind, students are instructed not to share food. We will also try to keep gluten and dairy-free alternatives on hand, served by request.
*Note: if your child has allergies, food or otherwise, and they need to carry medication for them, please follow up your EverAfter registration by reaching out to the program director.
What is your payment policy?
All EverAfter fees must be paid by the due dates specified by our payment portal, MyPaymentsPlus. Read more about it below.
How do I pay? (we are changing this for 2024-2025)
Evergreen uses a 3rd-party payment system called MyPaymentsPlus. All EverAfter fees must be paid through it.
If you're registering for EverAfter for 2023-2024 but do not yet have a MyPaymentsPlus account, use these instructions for creating a MyPaymentsPlus account, but be sure to also use the program registration form to register your child.
EverAfter attendance fees with associated due dates will be added to accounts weekly, on Mondays usually, for fees covering the previous week, with automatic email notices coming from MyPaymentsPlus.
There is not a sign-up process for daily care, but fees must be paid by the due dates in order to continue service.
EverAfter club fees will be added to MyPaymentsPlus accounts upon the conclusion of club enrollment periods, also with automatic email notices from MyPaymentsPlus.
What if my kid is only there for a few minutes because I was running late?
ECCS students that haven't been picked up from school by the end of their pickup window are sent to EverAfter. For parents that then pick up within 30 minutes or so, we charge a $3 fee rather than a full daily fee.
Do you offer scholarships?
At this time, there is not a program-wide scholarship program. However, EverAfter honors financial assistance for students at ECCS as determined by the ECCS business office. Applications can be found under the Parent Portal page the ECCS website.
What is your cancellation policy?
Fees for clubs are locked in as of the second week of club sessions. If a child attends one session and then opts out, we will instead charge a daily fee for the one day attended. If a club has only barely met minimum enrollment, we may notify you, in advance, that no cancellations will be accepted after a specified date.
Fees for All Day Care days are charged to all that are signed up, whether they attend or not. If you need to cancel an All Day Care sign up, please do so as early as possible before the day of care. Confirmation emails may be sent in advance of all day care days with final deadlines for which to cancel.
What happens if more kids get signed up for a club than there is space for? What if there aren't enough?
We know how busy some families are, and so rather than the traditional first come, first serve method, we use an initial sign-up period for all club sessions, which will usually be about 2 weeks long. During the initial sign-up period, the timing of submitting a club form is inconsequential. That way, families have time to go over the schedule and take some time to decide what works best.
At the end of an initial sign-up period:
Remaining spaces in a club are available first come, first serve, but everyone already signed up is in.
Clubs that did exceed maximum enrollment get filled by a lottery, with a wait list created from the order of the names that didn't make it.
Clubs that don't have enough kids signed up to be able to run (unique to each club based on myriad considerations!) are given an individual deadline for reaching a certain enrollment level.
How do I find out when my club ends?
Club dates are explained on the pages for each club session. To see how to access this via the menu, click here. Towards the end of each session, dates will also be posted on that session's summary page.
What if a club meeting is missed?
If our club instructor misses a meeting, we will notify you by email, at the address provided on the club signup form. If we let you know the day before, you can decide if you want to send your child and pay the daily fee for that day. If we aren't able to let you now until the day of, we will not charge a daily fee if your child still attends. We will attempt to make up any missed club meetings, details to be communicated by email.
We do not issue refunds or credits for children missing their club meetings.
What is your inclement weather closure policy?
If Evergreen Community Charter School is closed or closes early during the school day, EverAfter will also be closed. If Evergreen operates on a delay, this does not affect EverAfter's operation.
Evergreen and EverAfter closures will be announced through WLOS and on this website. In cases of early closures after a normal start to the school day, email notifications will also be sent.
If your child attends Buncombe County or Asheville City schools, and one of those districts closes early, EverAfter cannot pick your child up or meet them at their bus stop.
What do you do when it's really cold outside?
The plan is to go outside every day that it isn't raining. However, that doesn't stop us from using common sense. On exceptionally cold days, when making clothing choices in the morning, it is best to assume that being outside during EverAfter will be happening, even if for shorter periods of time than usual. While we don't have a certain temperature-based rule, we do consider air temp, wind chill, sunshine, precipitation, etc. when we decide whether outside time is required, optional, or not happening. Keeping people happy is the #1 goal! And keep in mind that we include the teachers whose indoor spaces we use in the list of people to keep happy.
What's your tax ID number?
It's tax season--will I get a statement?
Nope. Not from us directly, anyway. All of your payment records are, however, in your MyPaymentsPlus account. And, if you need a statement to go along with your taxes, or an FSA or dependant care reimbursement request, you may use this letter.
What is your policy on showing movies, videos, and screen time use?
In Evergreen's classrooms, per the Evergreen Community Handbook, movies or shows rated PG or higher must only be shown with parental permission. In EverAfter, we mostly stick with that standard. And since we rarely, if ever, have the ability to ask, we mostly stick to G-rated movies and TV-Y rated shows. When in doubt, we consult Common Sense Media. We typically only even use movies and shows on all day care days, or days when the weather is too poor to spend time outside. Any programs we show would be educational in nature.
We do not allow children to watch videos on their own devices, regardless of rating--they aren't supposed to have their own devices out anyway!
What is the policy on kids bringing personal items and toys?
Items need to be able to fit seamlessly into bags/backpacks.
Share it with everyone, or keep it put it away.
Items depicting violence in any way should stay at home--goes along with our expectation that children choose games of peace.
Take home what you bring--don't give things away! (Applies especially to Pokèmon cards and Bei Blades!)
Anything brought could get dirty, ruined, or lost--is it worth the risk?
Books belonging to a school or county library must stay inside.
Any time a personal item causes any sort of disruption, for any reason, EverAfter staff may ask the child to put the item away.
What if I need someone else to pick up my children?
We maintain approved pickup lists from the EverAfter Registration form. If someone you've not listed on your registration form is going to pick your kids up from EverAfter, please email james.wilson@evergreenccs.org AND christine.gray@evergreenccs.org, and/or call our direct number, 828-484-4989.