Award-winning after school program in Asheville, N.C.
Winter Clubs 2017-2018 Thursdays

Thursday clubs this Winter will begin on November 30th, and run eight Thursdays. Due to the closure on Jan 18, the final day is now Feb 8th. There are no meetings during Winter break.
*Kinetic Kids missed February 1st and will now end February 15th
*Wolfpack Basketball - continue to follow schedule communicated by coaches
*Wolfpack Dream Team - all activities have concluded

Kinetic Kids
3:45-4:45, grade range: K-3
Jump rope, parachute games, big tag games, small tag games, kickball, running and racing and hopping and pacing! Let your child explore his or her energetic potential in Kinetic Kids!
Instructor: Kevin Thompson, Evergreen 3rd Grade Associate

Spanish Explorers
3:45-4:45, grade range: 3-6 (also offered on Mondays for Kinder-2nd graders!)
Come and join me for some fun activities, including: hiking, arts & crafts, read aloud, and games. I am excited to share with you my native language, Spanish. Nos vamos a divertir muchisimo! We are going to have lots of fun!
Instructor: Mari Echevarria, Evergreen 5th Grade Associate

Adventure Art
3:45-5:15, grade range: 3-8
Art is an adventure unto itself. In this Adventure Club, you will be using natural elements to create unique pieces of artwork. You will also have an opportunity to use power tools to give your art a more advanced look and function (Dremel tool, drills, saws, wood burners). Everything from dream catchers to stained glass mosaics to shelves for your room, it’s an adventure.
Tool description, function and best practices will be reviewed and assessed prior to using power tools, and the limit is 12 students.
Instructor: Doug White, Evergreen Adventure Coordinator

Wolfpack Sports: Dream Team
3:45-5:15, grade range: 5-8
*Tuesday and Thursday commitment required. 2-day sports have a cost of $200.
Cheer/Dance team is a fun way to get moving!
Throughout the 8 weeks, we will learn about different styles of dance, crank up the music, create original routines and cheers, and dance as a team! We will support the Evergreen Basketball team by dancing/cheering at one or more games throughout the season.
No dance or cheer experience is necessary. Bring your moves and let’s dance!
Coaches: Skyla Delerme and Chris Woodward, Evergreen Middle School Associates

Wolfpack Sports: Basketball
3:30-5:30, grade range: 5-8
*Tuesday and Thursday commitment required. 2-day sports have a cost of $200.
Wolfpack Sports are open only to Evergreen students, and dates and times may vary due to coordination with other schools. Specific schedule to be sent to those that that sign up.
We will have two distinct squads, a JV made up of younger and beginner students, and a Varsity made of the more experienced folks. Both teams will compete against the schools in The Hospitality League. Varsity will substitute some games with other higher-level groups, and will participate in the annual Evergreen Staff vs. Students game. Specific schedules to be made available to those that sign up.
Coaches: Jeff Armstrong, Evergreen 6th Grade Teacher, Emily Boykin, Evergreen 6th Grade Associate, and Jamal Jabali, EverAfter Associate.