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We are so proud of our Wolfpack teams!





Athletic Code of Conduct




All equipment, uniforms, etc. given to student-athletes must be returned at the conclusion of the season in good condition.  Student-athletes will be financially responsible for items returned in poor condition or not returned at all.  Athletes will not be allowed to participate in any other sport until obligations from previous sports are resolved.


Fair play

Student-athletes represent their school, their community, and their family, and good sportsmanship is expected at all times.  Poor behavior before, during, or after practices and competitions will not be tolerated. The coaching staff, EverAfter Athletic Directors, and Evergreen Executive Director will employ appropriate disciplinary measures including loss of playing time, suspension and/or dismissal from the team when violations occur.  Level and length of disciplinary measures will be determined by the severity of the infraction.



The Wolfpack Coaching Staff supports that individuals are innocent until proven guilty.  However, in cases involving student-athletes, these infraction situations detract from the image of the team and the program.  They also contribute to a loss of focus by other members of the team.  Therefore, an individual involved in an infraction may be suspended from participation until the situation is resolved.


Attendance at Practices/Games

Student-athletes are expected to be in attendance at all practices, scrimmages, team meetings, and games (unless suspended). Student-athletes must be marked present in school for the full day in order to compete that day.  With verification, the Head Coach may make an exception in the case of a family emergency, funeral, medical appointment, etc. Appropriate discipline including loss of playing time and dismissal from the team will be used without prejudice or favoritism by the coach.  Student-athletes should provide advance notice to coaches if they will be absent for medical reasons, family situations, vacations, and other such valid reasons.


A former Evergreen student may be given permission to play on a Wolfpack Sport.  This would be granted at administrative discretion.  All code of conduct rules apply.



Athletic Code of Conduct Agreements


As an athlete, you are asked to read and agree to the following guidelines.


1. I will be on time and prepared for practice and games.


2. As a member of the team, I will be courteous, respectful, and practice good sportsmanship to teammates, opponents, teachers/coaches, and officials.


3. I understand that it is a privilege to represent Evergreen and proper behavior is required in class, practice, and athletic games.


4. I will use appropriate language at all times.


5. I understand that good sportsmanship is a must. Criticizing, blaming or disputing with my teammates, coaches, opponents, or referees will not be tolerated.


6. I will be respectful of other schools’ staff members and facilities; this is proper behavior as a representative of Evergreen.


7. I will be alcohol, drug, and tobacco free. These violations will result in immediate dismissal.


8. I understand that commitment to practice and games is required. Athletes should communicate any scheduling conflicts with the coaches.


9. I understand that all team members are required to support their team(s).  

  • If injured, you will still dress out and sit with your team.  

  • If on a discipline action, you will still dress out and sit with your team.

  • If you are an athlete in the second game, you will dress out and respectfully watch the first game.  


*Violation of statements 1-9 will be handled in following manner:

First violation = warning and conference with coach

Second violation = conference and/or email with athlete/parent/coach

Third violation = review with Evergreen Executive Director/coach


Being an athlete requires more than being a team member. It often causes demands that may require personal sacrifices. Being a team member is a privilege. If an individual athlete is willing to put the needed effort into athletics, he/she will be rewarded for those efforts.


It is a goal of Evergreen to have an excellent community, school and athletic programs of which we can be proud. Consequently, violation of the school rules is not acceptable.


The following actions will be taken when the athlete receives any of the following:



1. Warning and conference with coach.

2. No play time the next game; student dresses and sits with team.

3. Email and/or conference with athlete/ parents/coach.


2 infractions

1. No play time the next game; student dresses and sits with team.

2. Review for possible removal from the team. 

JV & Varsity Expectations
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